Friday, December 9, 2011

New Earrings

For the winter celebration, of which there are many...when I lived in Seattle I learned the importance of celebrating the winter solstice; after months of dreary, short days and cold nights, the winter solstice means the days will be getting longer. The hope of that little slice of light (though, in Seattle, not necessarily sun) is enough to raise the spirits and hope for the spring.

 Teeny-tiny trees
Snowflakes (Venus not to scale)

Available at my Etsy shop:

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I made some cards out of old prints - sold a few of this series, which were made with a carved eraser stamp, many years ago. I still have the stamp...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

More sold prints

After some digging, I came up with pix of some of the other pieces I sold at the show.

Paper Doll - collagraph with watercolor
6" x 3"
This has always been one of my favorites (I say that about everything) and I'm glad someone finally bought it. I just might have to print a few more, though since it's a collagraph (from the word collage) and it's made of mat board, there's only so many times I can print it.

Blue Nude - monoprint
  6" x 8".
I do a lot of nudes, even though they are generally hard to sell. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Printmakers Show

Every November, the Printmaking Society of Honolulu holds a benefit sale, and each member can display and sell their work. Since I haven't printed in over a year, I had nothing new to show, so I dug down into my old prints. I sold some prints, and most of them were over 20 years old. I guess my work has to take time to ferment. Click on the images to see them larger.
Forgotten Landscape - etching
This is one of the very first etchings I did in my very first etching class, during my very short stay at University of Georgia in 1984. I learned so much in that class, and the teacher was wonderful. At the time I thought this piece was a bit trite, but I liked it anyway. It was a stage in another print, so there are only one or two of this version.

Carp Dream, lithograph
From my first (and only) lithography class at University of Georgia. The teacher hated it and said awful things to me, but everyone else who has seen it likes it. 

"...and the wind blew the sky into her hair..." - etching
One of my poetic titles. Sometimes the title can sell the piece; as in this case, the woman who bought it told me she loved it for the title.This work is at least 20 years old.